Author: Cividep India

Why Robust BRSR Reporting Is Good For Businesses & Labour Rights

A recent development in India, the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework, has generated significant interest. BRSR mandates the top 1,000 listed companies to disclose their environmental and social impact alongside financial data. A Cividep India workshop explored the potential of BRSR to strengthen ESG standards in the country. This blog post examines the key takeaways from the workshop, including the opportunities and challenges associated with BRSR implementation.

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Field Diary March 2024

This issue of Field Diary delves into inspiring stories of worker solidarity across industries. While a homeworkers’ collective in Tamil Nadu’s leather industry is challenging unfair wages, garment factory workers in Bengaluru address issues in accessing social security claims. We also see electronics factory workers responding to exploitation by dubious contractors.

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Field Diary October 2023

This issue of Field Diary explores how workers continue facing mounting challenges across industries. In the garment sector, many workers are increasingly shifting to piece rate work due to flexible schedules and better earnings. Electronics workers in Sriperumbudur grapple with layoffs and lack of permanent employment. Meanwhile, Cividep’s partner organisations continue to encourage the spirit of worker solidarity through new ways such as building more compact alliances of workers through SHGs.

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Operationalising Labour Rights Project Tracks Social Life of Grievances in Garment Factories

Key insights from Cardiff University & Cividep India’s research on labour rights and access to remedy in Bangalore’s garment industry were presented at a recent conference. Operationalising Labour Rights (OLR) Project, a collaborative initiative by WISERD, Cardiff Business School, and Cividep, uncovers workplace struggles, and highlights role of research in seeking change and empowering workers

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Field Diary September 2023

This issue of Field Diary explores how workers continue facing mounting challenges across industries. The garment sector grapples with stagnant wages and potential extended work hours due to new legislation. Electronics workers in Sriperumbudur anticipate festive bonuses, often denied or substituted with household items. Layoffs in electronics and shoe factories highlight the instability of contract work and the gradual erosion of job security. Many workers, despite years of service, find themselves without due compensation or face issues accessing their Provident Fund. Cividep India has been stepping in, addressing health concerns and offering training sessions to empower workers in navigating these challenges.

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