Research & Publications

Cividep carries out research on working conditions and the effects of corporate conduct across India’s export industries.
Cividep believes in sharing knowledge and leveraging it into evidence-based policy and practice. Alongside our partners, we bring insight from workers and worker organisations together with expertise from practitioners like lawyers and academics, to shed light on the realities of the global supply chain in India.
Non-Financial Disclosures, Working Conditions, and Corporate Accountability in Indian Supply Chains

Non-Financial Disclosures, Working Conditions, and Corporate Accountability in Indian Supply Chains

Would Workers Benefit?

Would Workers Benefit?

Studying the mental health of adolescent girls in garment worker households amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Studying the mental health of adolescent girls in garment worker households amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Behind the Seams: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grievance Mechanisms for Workers in the Export Garment Industry

Behind the Seams: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grievance Mechanisms for Workers in the Export Garment Industry

Worked To The Bone: Understanding Health Vulnerabilities & Healthcare Access of Women Garment Workers in Bangalore

Worked To The Bone: Understanding Health Vulnerabilities & Healthcare Access of Women Garment Workers in Bangalore

Threadbare: Working Conditions at South Indian Leather-based Workplaces

Threadbare: Working Conditions at South Indian Leather-based Workplaces

Making A Case For Sustainability As A Biz Practice

Making A Case For Sustainability As A Biz Practice

Stitching together sweeping changes: Cividep partners with global consortium

Stitching together sweeping changes: Cividep partners with global consortium

Homeworkers in leather get less than the minimum wage for the sector: report

Homeworkers in leather get less than the minimum wage for the sector: report

Mapping garment industry funding in India – An analysis of the ESG reporting of banks

Mapping garment industry funding in India – An analysis of the ESG reporting of banks

Corona Chronicles: The impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on leather workers

Corona Chronicles: The impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on leather workers

Finding hidden homeworkers: Learning around transparency in apparel and footwear chains

Finding hidden homeworkers: Learning around transparency in apparel and footwear chains

Time to Deliver: Transparency among Swedish fashion brands

Time to Deliver: Transparency among Swedish fashion brands

How to Reverse the Impoverishment of Workers in the Shoe and Leather Sector in the light of the Covid-19 Recession

How to Reverse the Impoverishment of Workers in the Shoe and Leather Sector in the light of the Covid-19 Recession

The impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on Tamil Nadu’s leather workers

The impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on Tamil Nadu’s leather workers

Bearing the brunt of the pandemic: Accounts of leather workers

Bearing the brunt of the pandemic: Accounts of leather workers

Brand due diligence in India’s footwear manufacturing industry

Brand due diligence in India’s footwear manufacturing industry

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for India’s coffee plantation workers

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for India’s coffee plantation workers

The afterlife of cheap labour: From factories to the informal economy

The afterlife of cheap labour: From factories to the informal economy

Watch your step!: Social and environmental impacts of tanneries in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, India

Watch your step!: Social and environmental impacts of tanneries in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, India

Workers’ rights in the Indian electronics industry: a regional risk assessment

Workers’ rights in the Indian electronics industry: a regional risk assessment

Walk a mile in their shoes: Workers’ rights violations in the Indian leather sector

Walk a mile in their shoes: Workers’ rights violations in the Indian leather sector

Tainted Tea: Slave labour in your cuppa?

Tainted Tea: Slave labour in your cuppa?

Remedy remains rare: evaluating National Contact Point (NCP) performance

Remedy remains rare: evaluating National Contact Point (NCP) performance

Stitching Our Shoes: Homeworkers in India’s leather sector

Stitching Our Shoes: Homeworkers in India’s leather sector

Do we buy it?: Brands’ misleading living wage commitments

Do we buy it?: Brands’ misleading living wage commitments

Tougher than leather: working conditions in Indian tanneries

Tougher than leather: working conditions in Indian tanneries

Improving childcare facilities in Bangalore’s garment industry

Improving childcare facilities in Bangalore’s garment industry

Mind the Gap: Global brands’ failures to ensure dignified lives for Indian workers

Mind the Gap: Global brands’ failures to ensure dignified lives for Indian workers

Working and living conditions in Special Economic Zones: a comparative study between India and Indonesia

Working and living conditions in Special Economic Zones: a comparative study between India and Indonesia

A guide for CSOs on the UNGPs and company research and advocacy

A guide for CSOs on the UNGPs and company research and advocacy

Taking care of business: Childcare in Bangalore’s apparel industry

Taking care of business: Childcare in Bangalore’s apparel industry

Corporate geography, labour conditions, and environmental standards in India’s mobile manufacturing industry

Corporate geography, labour conditions, and environmental standards in India’s mobile manufacturing industry

Improving corporate accountability in India

Improving corporate accountability in India

Changing industrial relations in India’s mobile phone manufacturing industry

Richer bosses, poorer workers: Bangalore’s garment industry

Richer bosses, poorer workers: Bangalore’s garment industry
