Topic: Grievance Mechanism

Operationalising Labour Rights Project Tracks Social Life of Grievances in Garment Factories

Key insights from Cardiff University & Cividep India’s research on labour rights and access to remedy in Bangalore’s garment industry were presented at a recent conference. Operationalising Labour Rights (OLR) Project, a collaborative initiative by WISERD, Cardiff Business School, and Cividep, uncovers workplace struggles, and highlights role of research in seeking change and empowering workers

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Workers Gain When Businesses Actively Mitigate Human Rights Risks

Cividep Director Deepika Rao speaks about the potential transformative impact of European due diligence laws on Indian workers. It explains how Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) regulations can reshape working conditions, safeguard labor rights, and encourage stakeholder collaboration. Additionally, the importance of social dialogue, effective grievance mechanisms, and the benefits for businesses and workers is elaborated.

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