Topic: Grievance Redressal

How Can Workers Benefit from Business & Human Rights Standards?

Confused by Business & Human Rights (BHR)? This blog cuts through the jargon and explains how BHR standards hold businesses accountable for worker well-being. Learn how these standards can be used to create positive change. Explore the new handbook by Cividep India and UNDP that equips worker collectives and labour organisations to leverage BHR for better working conditions across global supply chains.

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Why Robust BRSR Reporting Is Good For Businesses & Labour Rights

A recent development in India, the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework, has generated significant interest. BRSR mandates the top 1,000 listed companies to disclose their environmental and social impact alongside financial data. A Cividep India workshop explored the potential of BRSR to strengthen ESG standards in the country. This blog post examines the key takeaways from the workshop, including the opportunities and challenges associated with BRSR implementation.

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Why Do Lockdown Blues Still Plague Teens From Garment Worker Families?

The pandemic lockdown exposed the existing cracks in low-wage garment worker families. While mothers faced job losses and financial strain, their adolescent daughters grappled with a silent crisis – deteriorating mental health. This blog post explores the gendered challenges these girls face, from increased household burdens to emotional neglect. We’ll also delve into resources and support systems that can help them navigate these difficult times.

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