Topic: Corporate Accountability

Roundtable Highlights Worker Participation as Key to Improving Labour Rights in Tamil Nadu’s Electronics Sector

Cividep India and GIZ partner co-hosted a multi-stakeholder roundtable recently that highlighted worker Participation as Key to Improving Labour Rights in Tamil Nadu’s Electronics Sector. The speakers said effective stakeholder engagement, especially that of workers, will help tackle critical human rights risks facing electronics industry workers in Tamil Nadu

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How Can Workers Benefit from Business & Human Rights Standards?

Confused by Business & Human Rights (BHR)? This blog cuts through the jargon and explains how BHR standards hold businesses accountable for worker well-being. Learn how these standards can be used to create positive change. Explore the new handbook by Cividep India and UNDP that equips worker collectives and labour organisations to leverage BHR for better working conditions across global supply chains.

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Workers Gain When Businesses Actively Mitigate Human Rights Risks

Cividep Director Deepika Rao speaks about the potential transformative impact of European due diligence laws on Indian workers. It explains how Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) regulations can reshape working conditions, safeguard labor rights, and encourage stakeholder collaboration. Additionally, the importance of social dialogue, effective grievance mechanisms, and the benefits for businesses and workers is elaborated.

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